Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What goes around, comes around...

I couldn't wait to go into the office - I never thought I'd even think that - but with this "enforced" solitude, it's either go into the office for a couple of hours, or go out and start finding some poor unsuspecting villian after Kara goes to sleep. I was just about to leave out when I got a call from Leroy. I haven't seen him much lately, but he needed some time to unwind. He told me he was headed over to a meeting at the main office and wanted to talk to me. I told him to meet me in my office and we could talk there. What was so important that he couldn't tell me on the phone?

Then, before I could get off the phone, he sent me a text. "Yo, I gotta tell you something when I see you!"

Just what is he up to I wonder?

Before going into the office I decided to stop in the coffee shop and picked up my cup of Green Tea. I waved at Candice and smiled down at the little guy with the glasses. "Hi."

Was he blushing? "Hi." he answered back.

"Can I have a small green tea?" He nodded and went to the back to fix it. He came back and rang up the drink. I looked at him again, remembering that day on the bus...

"Um, I was wondering..." His face froze in shock for a minute. I really wanted to ask him about his incredible shrinking posterior, but after a moment's reflection, I figured it wasn't really a good time. "Never mind." I grabbed my tea and walked out. I'll wait until I can discuss it with Leroy. Something about him reminds me of one of those totems.

I made it into my office without too many people seeing me. I really didn't feel like answering any questions about why I was out. I had just picked up a stack of data that Malcolm had given me when Leroy walked in. He was smiling and raving about how good his Mocha Blast was. Since I knew that wasn't what he really wanted to tell me, I have to be honest, I kind of tuned him out. Though, don't get me wrong, as much as he loves coffee, if he likes that girl that much, she'd have to learn how to make it eventually.

I had almost figured out where Malcolm had made his mistake when Leroy grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my office towards the conference room. He was just about to stop talking about his amazing cup of coffee, when we turned and noticed the crowd in front of the conference room.

'Now what the hell is going on?' I thought.

I hadn't even gotten close to the conference room when I smelled it. It was like being in the Ape House at the zoo. I saw Leroy's face change color three times before he pulled himself together.

Imagine my surprise, no-my joy! To see Ron curled up in the floor like a baby, surrounded by - yes, you've got it, shit! I could see several people in the office cover their mouth and go running for the bathroom as the full force of the smell hit them.

The only thing I could think of was that Ron, the office pain in the butt, had finally got what was coming to him.

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