Monday, January 7, 2008

A little "ME" time

Yes. Through a little maneuvering, I managed to get out of the madhouse (work) a couple of hours early. My first impulse was to head straight home when I stopped and asked thought for a minute.

"Why am the hell am I rushing?"

It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I don't have to pick up Kara until 6, and it's not like I have a man I'm rushing home to. I turned my head and caught sight of the Mocha Bean Cafe out of the corner of my eye. Perfect. I need to unwind anyway. With all the confusion going on in the office, I could use a little me time. I have a feeling that the upcoming days are going to be a little hectic.

Between the superhero business, Kara, running reports, and Neil, (We're not even gonna add my parents into the mix) it's been real rough.

I walked into the shop and the first thing I did was breathe in. I can't drink coffee, but I love the smell of fresh coffee beans. It was the perfect time of day. It was basically empty except for a few stragglers. I threw my stuff on a table in the back (just in case one of my co-workers should pop in) and walked over to the counter.

I noticed that the girl Leroy liked was working in the back making coffee. Hmm. I'm guessing maybe it's a promotion for her. There's several new faces in the shop. A couple had terrible customer service skills and needed to go. One of the new guys was a little distracted as he walked over to the register to take my order. He immediately started looking down at the register to figure out which keys to push.

"Welcome to the Mocha Bean Cafe, may I take your order?" He looked up at the end of his little speech, and I realized that I had seen him somewhere before.

"Hi!" I smiled at the dazed look on his face. He still didn't respond. "We kind of met the other day, when you weren't feeling well."

"Oh - oh yes. Thanks for your help."

"It's wasn't a problem. Are you better now?"

He just looked at me and nodded. I see he's not a man of a lot of words. But that's okay.

"I'll just have an hot green tea with honey."

He nodded again. "Sure." He quickly went to make the tea. While he was making my tea, something started bothering me. Not that I was checking him out or anything like that, but wasn't his butt a little bigger the other day? Maybe it was just my imagination. I did have a lot on my mind that morning.

He quickly brought it over to me with a shy look on his face. I smiled at him again as I paid for it and told him to take care. I had just made my way over to my little hide out in the corner when I something told me to look up. Three guys walked into the coffee shop with their hats pulled low, scarves up to their noses, and their hands stuffed down into their pockets.

Now, I know good and damn well that on my one free afternoon, these dumbasses are not coming in to rob the coffee shop....

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