Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Unexpected Visitiors

I always thought I was pretty lucky in the fact that I don't have to deal with parents or in-laws like most humans. Considering my Ex's parents are dead and mine are light years away, I get to raise my daughter in peace. Or so I thought.

Imagine my surprise when I open the door to find my extra hyper, super sensitive, my way or the highway folks standing on my doorstep. I feel a headache coming on.

"Terra! We've finally found you." My mother stepped gingerly across the doorstep, with her face screwed up like she smelled something bad. "What a quaint...what do you call this?"

"An apartment mother." I answered. I was already counting on her to get indignant and leave before they saw Kara. My father walked in, and went straight to the plants. Typical.

I asked them how they managed to find me, and they told me about the stories that had been floating around for years about the sprout (me) who had hitchhiked to Earth. Considering I came up missing at the time, they kinda figured out it was me.

I had just turned to my mother to figure out why she hadn't started in on her tirade yet, and saw Kara standing in the doorway of her room. Kara walked over to me and held my hand. I have to give it to her, it takes a lot to through my child off balance.

"Mommy who are these people?"

took a deep breath before I replied. "They're your grandparents." I don't know whose face showed more shock, theirs or Kara's. My father immediately walked over to Kara and looked at her. "She's half-human."

No shit Sherlock. "Yes. She is." My mother's face started looking like she was sucking on a lemon. "This is why you left home? To copulate with humans, and run wild, like some, some WEED!"

I was gonna have to get this broad out of my apartment before she blew a gasket. If she went off, this whole city was gonna be in trouble. Did I mention that my mother controlled lightning? One well placed bolt and BOOM! We're all going to hell in a hand basket. One little piece at a time.

I looked over at my father. He can usually calm her down. I just hoped that this time wouldn't be the exception. You see, they were trying to marry me off to this guy back home. He was alright looking I guess, but his thing was water. Could you imagine? Puddles everywhere, wet sloppy kisses, and I didn't EVEN want to think about sex with him. My parents didn't care, he was very prominent within our government, and my mother was one of the biggest schemers of all time.

Now thru this entire tirade, Kara had remained quiet.

I heard a squelching noise coming across the floor to see Kara's pet easing across the floor. Now, mind you, Kara doesn't have my powers, but she's a doozy all on her own. Her pet was a live Ficus. I saw my father's face soften (did I mention he has a thing for plants?) While my mother's looked like a thundercloud.. (did I mention she doesn't like humans?)

Without another word, she grabbed my father by the hand and disappeared. It wasn't much of a confrontation, but it could have been ten times worse. But even worse, I knew it wasn't over.

1 comment:

VK said...

its a strange story...
so hwz it going so far...
hw are the momenst passing by!!