Friday, December 14, 2007

The New Kid on the Block

Okay, let's talk about our sometimey partner, Ean. He seems like an alright guy, but I'm sorry to say that he's already starting out with a few strikes against him in my book.

1. He made the mistake of trying to be nice to Kara. He tried to offer her a lollipop, but Miss Thing proceeded to break down the chemical content, caloric intake, and the effect of sugar on the enamel of your teeth. Let's just say, he won't try that again.

2. And speaking of teeth? His teeth. He's one of those people who smiles and shows bicuspids, molars, the whole nine yards. It's just a little too sinister for me. Reminds me too much of my ex.

3. Him and Leroy are a little too buddy-buddy. Now, I know what you're gonna say. I'm jealous. NOT! Leroy's cool with me, he's like a little brother (well, a BIG little brother) and until I meet the man who has absolutely no aspirations for world domination or running around in a pair of spandex trying to save this crazy world? - all I'm gonna say is have batteries, will travel.

4. You never know if he's gonna help or not. Prime example: There was one time he was supposed to have been flying with me, but then he had the nerve to tell me he was scared of heights. Then when we argued and I told him he wasn't fast enough to run to the scene, he asked what made me think he was gonna run. He told me he was gonna catch a cab and meet me there. And granted, he did show up, with a cup of latte' in hand, leaning on a lamppost after everything was over.

Something about him is just off. I'm definitely gonna watch my back around him.

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