Thursday, April 17, 2008

Onward and Downward

Ilektros' light ball was pretty handy. Looking around, I could tell that this wasn't something that Christopher had decided to do overnight. The carpet covering the floor, the smoothness of the walls; this was something he had been planning for quite some time. Possibly longer than I had even known him. I got mad just thinking about it.

I had traveled about halfway down the tunnel when the lights suddenly came on dimly.

"Damn!" I lowered my hand but kept the energy orb close to me. I fully intended to use it on Christopher as soon as I got Kara two steps away from him.

The tunnel angled down at a 45 degree angle. I wondered what the other tunnels looked like. This one was actually kind of bare. I went deeper and noticed several doors on either side of the wall. Each door was made of some kind of metal. My dear husband made sure that I would never easily be able to track him down.

Considering how far this thing was going, I figured I'd might as well start checking doors. I cautiously stepped forward to the next door and twisted the knob and opened the door. I held the orb up for better light to see that it was an empty drywalled room. Strange.

I backed up and closed the door, to continue down the hallway. This time, I passed a few doors before I tried another one. I had a feeling that my luck wasn't going to hold. I'm a superhero, but I am by no means invincible. I placed my back flat against the wall and used one of my tentacles to cautiously open the door. As soon as I had the door opened completely, I heard a "whoosh".

I held up the globe to see several blades gleaming in the light. Did I mention that Christopher loved Indiana Jones? It would be just like him to set up some little crazy trap behind each one of these doors.

I cautiously opened several other doors. None of them seemed to go anywhere, or either had these wacky traps. I'll give him credit. An ordinary person would have never made it through. I finally reached to bottom of tunnel and reached two wooden doors. "Why wooden doors here when everything else was metal?"

Touching both doors, I figured out why. Only half of the door was wood. How to approach this? I had to think this through. I really didn't think Christopher wanted to kill me, but after I left him divorced him, sued for alimony, child support, and locked him up? Hm. He still might be holding a bit of a grudge.

The door knobs to each door were on the inside, next to each other. I figured best thing to do would be to trigger them at the same time. Cautiously, I placed myself between the two doors and threw them open. Nothing happened at first, which made me feel like an absolute fool.

Just as I stepped forward to look in the door on my right, an explosion blew me six feet back up the hall.

Maybe he was holding a grudge after all.

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