Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ean's Last Stand

Today...Ean left the Urban 30.

He was always on the fence: more of a rebel than a hero, or in this case, Superhero.

I'm guessing that this last call was the straw that broke the camel's back.


Until yesterday, not many people believed that Snuffles existed; She usually likes to stay real low key. With a face like hers, I can definitely understand why. In case you've never seen her, snuffles looks like the Kraken from Clash of the Titans. She's really sweet as long as you don't accidentally stick her with your fishing hook. Then it's on.

Nobody believes that there's a 35-foot Sea Monster in the Anacostia. I mean, we all know the water's dirty as hell, that's no news. But something actually living in it?

It happened like this: I had just gotten in to work when I got the call from Dispatch.

"Terra, I need you to get your team together and get over to National's Park. Snuffles decided to take in a game. Luckily nobody's playing."

Oooookay....I sighed and hung up the phone. Looks like I won't be getting much work done today. I called my guys (Ean and Tellico) then left my office. I let the receptionist know I was going out to a meeting (my usual cover story) as I passed her desk . I managed to get the elevator to myself, so I was able to change by time I hit the garage and snuck out one of the back doors.

I flew over just to find everything a total madhouse. I counted twelve people at the scene getting tossed around like it was nothing. My guys pulled up in a cab a few minutes later, but I didn't see the Tin Can. Hell, with him around, this would have been over with in no time. I took out my phone and dialed dispatch. "Hey, where's your boy?"

He hesitated for a minute. "I didn't think we needed that much force to take care of the problem."

I frowned. "Force? Tony, you've got 15 of us on the scene, and more coming! What the hell do you mean too much force?"

"You guys can handle it, Terra." I heard the line drop. It was definitely on between me and Dispatch.

I was kinda glad he wasn't there. None of us really had the heart to hurt Snuffles, she was quiet unless somebody managed to snag her with their fishing line. I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt her, but I'll bet it's irritating as hell. I was surprised, when in a rare (extremely rare) show of Superhero-ness, he ran down into the center of the fray. I happened to glance at Snuffles and noticed something strange.

"Ean! No! Wait a minute! She's -," I cringed as Ean stopped in front of Snuffles and got covered by some of the nastiest, smelliest looking crap that I have ever seen in my existence. "pregnant" A minute later, she let out a blood curdling yell and out pops this ten foot version of her. Oh god. Ean unfortunately, was standing right in the line of fire. He pushed up, clearly pissed, grabs the baby, and tosses it to Snuffles. She gave her version of a smile and crawled back out of the stadium.

Ean turns to me and yells. "Tell Dispatch, I'm through. I've had it with this shit."

My eyes stretched as he turned and stalked off, everybody opening a wide patch around him. Smelling like that in this part of town? He was gonna have a hard time trying to get a ride.

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