Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Load off my mind..

The biggest part of my troubles was taken care of. Leroy was reinstated and I was glad. I walked out of the chambers to find him missing. Not surprising. He wasn't the type to sit around and wait for what he thought would be bad news.

My father walked out behind me. "Now where is he?"

I smiled. "Knowing Leroy? Getting his hair done."

"And you're fine with this?"

I shrugged. "It won't take long. That will give me time to locate Christopher and Kara."

"Those idols that he tossed out. What did they mean? I'm sure you realized that there was one of you."

"Yeah. I noticed. One of the other members has more information on those. It's going to have to wait for now."

"Terra, you cannot ignore this. If there is an additional danger to you, Kara still won't be safe here."

I knew he what he was leading up to, and I knew I wasn't going to like it.

"As soon as this is over, I'm taking both of you back to the homeworld."

This was a fight I really didn't want to have right now. "Daddy. I can't." I cut him off as he opened his mouth to speak. "And no, you can't take Kara back with you. This is her world, where she belongs."

"We'll discuss this later."

"No. We won't."

I turned and strode away, pulling out my cell. Leroy's voice mail picked up. "All right, Leroy. Tell girlfriend to hurry up with your head. Christopher has Kara and I need you. Also, we definitely need to discuss you holding out on me."

I closed the phone and turned back to my father. "We need to go back to my building so I can track him down."

My father nodded and stepped forward, taking my hand.

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